Classical Summer Reading and Math Intensive

Prevent the “summer slide,” learn how you learn, and receive ongoing feedback to start 2024-2025 strong!

The Most Comprehensive Humanities-Based Literacy Intervention for America’s Most Motivated Students!

  • Assess

    Each new student begins with an individualized assessment where we will look for any areas of strength and weakness in your child’s reading and math development. The parents will receive an in-depth report to share with the school for optimal growth.

  • Receive Coaching

    During the summer, our amazing reading and math coaches will meet with your child twice every week for 45 minutes AND you, the parents, have the option to meet with the coaches for 15 minutes! We believe that parents are the primary educators of their child and we're happy to empower them to make the most of our lessons and build a culture of literacy and math at home.

  • Friday Book Clubs

    All Summer Intensive students are invited to participate in our Friday Book Clubs for no additional fee. Students will meet with other students from classical, liberal arts and homeschool families throughout the country. Every year, cross-country penpals have blossomed and we have no reason to believe that 2024-2025 will be an exception!